Monday 6 November 2017

Homework, 7th November, 2017

Read the letter below from Nat to his dad and answer the questions that follow. 

This is due tomorrow (Tuesday, 7th November)

13th November, 2012

Dear Dad,

How are you? I mean, I know you’re in prison, so you’re obviously not doing that well, but are you as okay as you can be? Are they treating you well? What’s the food like?

I’ve been following Lily’s trail, but it’s hard trying to piece everything together. You didn’t give me enough information! I found some stuff in the loft: a picture of an eye, but I don’t get what it means. And I found some words scratched into a bucket, but I don’t understand what they mean either. I have a feeling the answers I need are at Bletchley Park, but I’ve no idea how I’m going to get in there. The security around that place must be water tight. If only you could give me more help, but I completely understand that you can’t.

Mum is doing okay … well, she acts like she is but I kind of get the sense that she’s just holding it together for me and Hannah. Hannah is still just being Hannah: moody, not saying much, spending a lot of time in her room.

I’ll keep trying dad, I will, I promise, and I also promise that I will find the evidence we need to prove your innocence and get you out of prison. I worry about you, but I know that if I stay positive we can do this.

Lots of love,



1. What is missing from the top of the letter?

2. Why is Nat’s dad obviously not doing very well?

3. Whose trail has Nat been following?

4. Why is it hard following this trail?

5. Where did he find some scratched words?

6. Why is it probably going to be difficult to get into Bletchley Park?

7. Based on what is written in the letter, what kind of person is Hannah?

8. What does Nat promise to keep doing?

9. What does he need to find to prove his dad’s innocence?

10. How does he sign the letter off?

Extension questions

11. How can we tell from the first paragraph that Nat is very worried about his dad?

12. How can we tell from the first few lines of the second paragraph that Nat might be slightly frustrated with his dad?

13. Why might it be difficult to tell if Hannah is really upset about the whole thing?

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