Friday 28 April 2017

Homework, 28th April, 2017

For the next few lessons, we will be looking at how to write reports. We will do lots of work in lessons on how to lay a report out correctly and what kinds of things you might be asked in the exam to write a report about, but this week's homework is all about the kind of language you need to use when writing reports.

This is due on Tuesday, May 2nd. Good luck!

As you read the following report, you will notice that some of the words have been numbered. This is because they could all be replaced with more formal words which, if used, could help get this report a higher mark. In the table below, next to each number, write a more formal alternative to each word. You can choose your alternatives from the selection given. You may have to look up some of the words to find out their meaning.

Report to the head teacher about the possibility of a Year 11 common room


I was 1.asked by the head teacher to speak to 2.teachers and students at the Moat School about the possibility of creating a common room for the Year 11s and, if it was considered to be a good idea, where it 3.would go. Below 4.are my findings:

Arguments in favour

·         It would provide a safe, comfortable place for the Year 11s to relax and study, away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the school. This would be especially 5.useful during exam times.
·         It would make the Year 11s feel valued and would prepare them for life at college, where they will most likely have access to a common room.
·       The common room could contain 6.leisure facilities such as a pool table, table football, tea and coffee facilities and a television, which the Year 11s would very much appreciate.

Arguments against

·         There is 7.not much space available; the common room would have to replace one of the classrooms, and this would have an effect on the school timetable, as some classes would have to be re-roomed.
·         The pool table, table football and other facilities would 8.cost money.
·         The feeling among some of the teachers is that would 9.create extra work for them as it would have to be supervised.
·         Some of the students have pointed out that, as the Year 11s do not have free periods, there is no time during the day when they would actually go and 10.gather there.
·         It would separate the Year 11s from the rest of the students and might create a 11.split within the school.
·         When they go to college, they will have free periods and a common room, so they could just wait a year for that.


My recommendation is that a Year 11 common, whilst a nice idea, would be 12.too expensive and would cause too much disruption to be worthwhile.

prohibitively expensive           make demands of the school’s budget

staff         congregate          increase the workload          division

a paucity of          I have outlined          would be located

requested          recreational                advantageous













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