Thursday 2 February 2017

Homework, 3rd February, 2017

Read the following article from the Independent and answer the questions that follow. This is due on Monday.

1. What impression do you get of Emmanuel Macron from the picture of him that is included with the article?

2. What literary technique is used in the first sentence of the subheading?

3. What does the writer tell the reader to do in the first line of the first paragraph?

4. Where does Macron currently stand in the polls?

5. Why do you think the writer has given us some percentages in the first paragraph?

6. What is the main difference between Trump and Macron, according to the second paragraph?

7. What is one key similarity they have, according to the first line of the third paragraph?

8. What do the numbers 15,000, 4,000 and 2,000 refer to?

9. What message does the use of these numbers send to the reader about Macron’s popularity?

10. Which party does Macron represent?

11. According to the fourth paragraph, in what regard is Donald Trump not very different?

12. According to the fifth paragraph, what kind of candidate does Macron present himself as?

13. ‘He resembles a duke criticising the aristocracy.’ This is an example of what literary technique?

14. How, in the sixth paragraph, does the writer try to convince us that Macron is not, in fact, an anti-establishment figure?

15. In the sixth paragraph, a key difference between Macron and Trump is mentioned, but is then presented as a similarity. Explain what this difference/similarity is.

16. Complete the sentence from the ninth paragraph: ‘Macron’s policies are largely directed to _______________   ______________.’

17. How is this different from what Trump said in his inauguration speech?

18. Copy out and complete the following table based on the similarities between Macron and Trump:


19. Now answer the following exam-style question:

            According to the article, to what extent is Emmanuel Macron the French Donald                          Trump? (10 marks)

Divide your answer into two paragraphs, using the following starter sentences:

            ‘To some extent, he is the French Donald Trump because …’

          ‘However, it could be argued that he is actually quite different because …’

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