Now answer the following questions:
1. Why has Roald Dahl
become easier since 1990?
2. Give one reason why he
used to rage against filmmakers.
3. What do you think the
phrase ‘Some films escaped his wrath though,’ means? (You might have to look up
the word ‘wrath’).
4. What word is used to describe
the opening of the story?
5. How can we tell from
the review that this is Ruby Barnhill’s first role?
6. In what way is the
portrayal of Sophie in this film different from Disney’s ‘archetypal heroine’?
7. Copy out the alliteration
that is used in the third paragraph.
8. What word is used in
the third paragraph to describe the dialogue?
9. What, according to the
review, will make kids laugh?
10. What word does the
writer use instead of ‘laughing’?
11. Why?
12. What do you think ‘…
with scene after scene outstaying its welcome,’ means?
13. What criticism does
the writer have of the bigger giants?
14. What word is used to
describe Rebecca Hall as the Queen’s maid?
15. Sum the review up in
twenty words or fewer.
As always, this is due on Monday (16th January)
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